Best strategy to increase storage


I have a linode with 24Gb storage. My disk is nearly full and I need more space. I am thinking of getting a new volume to store my personal emails. The thing is: I really want to have backups. And ideally an incremental/differential that will allow me to restore my data to any previous date.

But according to How to Use Block Storage with Your Linode, Linode’s backup services do not cover Block Storage Volumes. You must execute your own backups for this data.

So I'm wondering what is the best strategy for me. Is it a good idea to get two volumes, and use one for backups? If not, what is the best alternative?

2 Replies

Personally I use restic to backup my entire file systems and databases to Backblaze cloud storage (B2). It costs me around $1.50 a month.

I also use Linode’s backup storage to get an image of my Linode (excluding the block storage) to allow quick restores and snapshots before OS upgrades

Restic in practice works with many cloud providers, like S3, so it can be very cost effective.

Thanks for your reply. It turns out that my server was available for an upgrade. I now have enough disk space for the foreseeable future. That's pretty neat.


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