DNS Issues

After pointing my nameservers to Linode and adding my A/AAAA records the keep failing but if I am to add/delete a records everything starts working for about 30 minutes and then back again.

1 Reply

Based on what you've written here, it sounds like there may be a configuration issue with your DNS zone. To serve a website, you'll need an A record pointing to your Linode's IP address from your base domain. Could you provide your domain name so that we can determine which records are currently set up using dig? I did also want to note that the Linode DNS Manager will only serve your records if you have at least one Linode on the account, so if you're using our DNS Manager that's something to keep in mind. Since you mentioned that the records work for a short amount of time, it sounds like there is an issue occurring during the propagation period. Having the domain name along with the types of records you're trying to set up will help us and the rest of the Linode Community narrow down what the issue may be. You might also want to take a look at our DNS guide, guide to troubleshooting DNS, and guide to common DNS configurations.


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