Maximum number of volumes per Linode

Hi, I've bumped into an error while playing around with k8s and volumes:

Warning  FailedAttachVolume  3m52s (x237 over 7h49m)  attachdetach-controller              AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-654a0d894add4e63" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = error attaching volume: [400] Maximum number of block storage volumes are attached to this Linode, please resize Linode to be larger to attach more volumes

I was unable to find any relevant mentions of this limit in the docs, what are these limits exactly?

Thank you,

2 Replies

Hi T,

It's 8 per Linode.


Linode’s Block Storage service allows you to attach additional storage Volumes to your Linode. A single Volume can range from 10 GiB to 10,000 GiB in size and costs $0.10/GiB per month. They can be partitioned however you like and can accommodate any filesystem type you choose. You can attach up to 8 volumes per Linode. The volumes can be newly created or already existing, so you do not need to recreate your server to add a Block Storage Volume.

Although I am now intrigued by the bit of the error message that states you can attach more volumes on larger Linode plans; I've never seen reference to that before, I've always thought it was a hard limit of 8. (In fact, you can't configure more than 8 disks in a boot profile anyway.)

Eh too bad, my use case involves spinning up tiny environments for testing purposes, and 8 is a really tight limit. I wonder what's the reason and if it can ever be raised…


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