How do I combine 2 stackscripts and apply it?

Maybe a dumb question.
Here is what I want to do, I want to setup my linode with wordpress+VPN for personal use.

I have seen useful stackscript that helps setup wordpress and VPN.
Now my question is how can I combine them?

can someone give me an example?

  1. hwdsl2 / setup-ipsec-vpn
  2. LAMP Stack powered by Webuzo

can I simply copy past the two scripts and create costume one? will that work? or I could just create a wraper and call both stack script one by one.

Hope this does not sound too silly.

1 Reply

That's a pretty cool idea.

The best solution to this would probably be to simply copy/paste the two scripts together in a new script, and deploy with that. Since only the setup-ipsec-vpn script uses UDF's, you should be able to get away with just copying the Webuzo script (minus #!/bin/bash) and pasting it at the bottom.

Wrapping and calling them in a new script could work, similar to:

source <ssinclude StackScriptID="9275">
source <ssinclude StackScriptID="37239"> 

But the issue with running the script(s) in this manner is that the Cloud Manager will not detect/display the necessary User Defined Fields (UDFs) for the installation of the scripts. If you were to call them in this way, you'd still need to cut/paste the UDF sections from the included setup-ipsec-vpn script and put them into your StackScript in order to set the VPN Key, Username, and Password.

Something I noticed that may be a blocker for for these two scripts specifically is that the only overlap they have in available distro is CentOS 6.8, which is already deprecated. They do both have Ubuntu versions, however the Ubuntu 14.04 supported by the Webuzo script is quite old (it still uses Upstart) and may not be compatible with newer distros that user systemd.


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