Longview not work

Always Show Waiting for data…

I have reinstalled many times, and API Key in /etc/linode/longview.key is correct.

I don`t know how to resolve the issue, please help, thanks.

3 Replies

Longview status in my linode server(centos 7.6)

longview.service - SYSV: Longview statistics gathering
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/longview; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-07-31 07:46:42 CST; 6min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
CGroup: /system.slice/longview.service
└─15445 linode-longview

Jul 31 07:46:42 li1760-226.members.linode.com systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: Longview statistics gathering…
Jul 31 07:46:42 li1760-226.members.linode.com longview[15441]: Starting longview: [ OK ]
Jul 31 07:46:42 li1760-226.members.linode.com systemd[1]: Started SYSV: Longview statistics gathering.


07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15444] - Starting Longview Agent version 1.1.5
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Disk.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Ports.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Network.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Processes.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Memory.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/CPU.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/SysInfo.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Applications/MySQL.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Applications/Apache.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Applications/Nginx.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Loading module /opt/linode/longview/Linode/Longview/DataGetter/Packages/YUM.pm
07/31 07:46:42 INFO Longview[15445] - Start up complete
07/31 07:46:47 WARN Longview[15445] - Unable to find a location for the Nginx status page, defaulting to
07/31 07:46:47 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:47:18 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:47:49 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:48:21 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:48:52 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:49:23 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:49:54 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found
07/31 07:50:25 ERROR Longview[15445] - Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found

When you see the error Unable to connect to the database, no credentials found, it’s usually indicative of a configuration issue between Longview and MySQL; specifically, there’s no MySQL user for the Longview client on the Linode. You have to first add this user, and then ensure the Longview configuration file has the user’s credentials.

To do this you can follow the steps for Manual Configuration in our guide, Using the Linode Longview App for MySQL. These instructions also include guidance for updating your MySQL.conf file with your user credentials.

As always, don’t forget to restart your services after making changes:

sudo systemctl restart longview


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