Is there a Linode utility that give detailed user footprint statistics other than the stats provided by the summary section of my linode?

I am interested in viewing and analyzing visitors footprints to my application. In particular, i would like to know the geolocation of hits, operating systems, browser used and most hit links/urls etc.

Do i have to install third party software like Awstats to do this for me or is there a specific Linode utility already available that does this? I am basically trying to avoid parsing nginx access logs(and re-inventing the wheel).

Is there an existing utility that provides these stats in Linode other than the monitoring tool provided in the summary section of my linode?

1 Reply

You don't have to install software to find this information. Though, if you'd like the information parsed and presented to you, then the answer to your question is yes: you'll need to use a third-party tool like AWStats to get what you're looking for. Other popular options are

If you're interested in digging into the logs and

There's also the following Community Questions site post that provides steps for using hping and GoAccess:

How do I see the number of daily visitors to my web site?


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