How do I install NFS on LKE nodes?

I'm trying to use NFS inside my Kubernetes cluster to provide ReadWriteMany volumes. However, it appears that I can't mount NFS file systems due to kubelet failing to mount the NFS file system:

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-bf72bfa1-c36a-44df-93d5-d3360d6e30b4" : mount failed: exit status 32 Mounting command: systemd-run Mounting arguments: --description=Kubernetes transient mount for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/82382ceb-d7d5-455d-8f11-344c5fa73fd6/volumes/ --scope -- mount -t nfs -o vers=3 /var/lib/kubelet/pods/82382ceb-d7d5-455d-8f11-344c5fa73fd6/volumes/ Output: Running scope as unit: run-rb2cd034bae6b4205b77fc90ea0d96910.scope mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on, missing codepage or helper program, or other error (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program) In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

I shut down one node, reset its root password, booted it back up, SSH'd into it, and discovered that /sbin/mount.nfs does not exist on the node.

It looks like these nodes are running Debian, so I can probably get it working by performing apt install nfs-common manually on all of my nodes, but is there an easier way to do that (specifically one that I won't forget to do when adding new nodes!)?

3 Replies

@jyorke --

You write:

It looks like these nodes are running Debian, so I can probably get it working by performing apt install nfs-common manually on all of my nodes, but is there an easier way to do that (specifically one that I won't forget to do when adding new nodes!)?

When you say node, is this a Linode or some Kubernetes construction?

If it's a Linode, you can mount NFS filesystems at boot time. See:

Use the /etc/fstab method.

-- sw

The Kubernetes nodes are Linodes, yes, but they use an “unknown” image pre-set by Linode without any SSH keys added or a known root password. Ideally, one would never log into the nodes, as Kubernetes handles orchestrating workloads to them. Getting the mount command issued isn’t the problem, the problem is that /sbin/mount.nfs does not exist. The only potential workaround I’ve found is:

  1. kubectl drain to remove the workload from a node.
  2. Shut down the Linode.
  3. Reset the root password on the Linode.
  4. Boot up the Linode.
  5. Connect via ssh as root and run apt install nfs-common
  6. kubectl uncordon the node to resume scheduling workloads.
  7. Repeat 1-6 on all nodes in the cluster.

My concern with this is having to do this manual setup on every node is time consuming and is very likely to cause a failure in the future due to me forgetting that they need to be done when the cluster is scaled up.

An update on this today!

To debug another issue, I needed to spin up new nodes and SSH into them, and I found that the newest image (with KubeProxy/Kubelet v1.17.9) comes with NFS pre-installed!

So all I had to do was recycle my node pool through the control panel to upgrade the node OSes and everything now works without any manual steps.


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