Installing vestaCP on Centos 7

Linode Staff

How do I install vestaCP on Centos 7? When running the curl command here:

curl -O

The content of the file looks to be incorrect. I am given this HTML file:

<meta name="robots" content="noarchive" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="nosnippet" />
<div align=center>
<h3>Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (21)</h3>

Instead I want the contents below:

# Vesta installation wrapper

# Currently Supported Operating Systems:
# RHEL 5, 6, 7
# CentOS 5, 6, 7
# Debian 7, 8
# Ubuntu 12.04-18.04

# Am I root?
if ["x$(id -u)" !='x0' ]; then
    echo'Error: this script can only be executed by root'
    exit 1

# Check admin user account
if [! -z "$(grep ^admin: /etc/passwd)"] && [-z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Error: user admin exists"
    echo'Please remove admin user before proceeding.'
    echo'If you want to do it automatically run installer with -f option:'
    echo "Example: bash $0 --force"
    exit 1

# Check admin group
if [! -z "$(grep ^admin: /etc/group)"] && [-z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Error: group admin exists"
    echo'Please remove admin group before proceeding.'
    echo'If you want to do it automatically run installer with -f option:'
    echo "Example: bash $0 --force"
    exit 1

Why is this not the right contents?

1 Reply

I tried to recreate this by spinning up my own Linode with CentOS 7 and it looked like I was able to install it okay. I ran any updates that were needed for my Linode, so for this case since it was a CentOS 7 Linode the command is:

yum update

I then used the curl command from this site below:

Here are the commands:

# Download installation script
curl -O
# Run it

I'm not sure why you are seeing HTML contents in the specific file, but as long as the install script runs you should be fine. If you are having some trouble getting the right contents for that file, I would look into the vestcp forum. Hope this helps.


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