ZFS parameters on linode

I'm interested in using ZFS on my linodes for compression and encryption and other benefits. I've set up a raw disk and all is working well, but there's a lot of parameters to tune for good performance.

Is there anyone here using ZFS who would like to share the parameters they've used for ashift, recordsize etc?

I was surprised to find that on a 4k random I/O test, with recordsize=8k, performance was much better with ashift=0 rather than ashift=12.

1 Reply

Hey there -

I'm not a ZFS user, but I wanted to see what I could find for you so I did some digging online. Firstly, for ashift, I found a blurb on openzfs.org that gives you some recommendations on performance tuning:

ZFS - Alignment Shift

Also, this blog touches on recordsize with ZFS:

Tuning OpenZFS

I know these may not be the specifics you're looking for, but I wanted to give you some guidance to send you in the right direction, so I hope this helps. I'm also going to add some tags to this post to give it ore visibility to our other OpenZFS users.


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