How do I secure my new VPS?

I'm new at this. Recently I'm getting service from Linode for VPS. I don't know how to secure my VPS server. please someone give me the instruction if you know about any instructions or tutorial about secured VPS server.


1 Reply


This is a great question because securing your server is something everyone should do. Fortunately, there are a lot of great resources out there to help you through the process.

Linode has a step-by-step guide to securing your server that walks you through creating a limited user and hardening your SSH access. Using Fail2ban and configuring a firewall are also mentioned in the guide as great ways to secure your server if you are looking for added security measures.

Other Linode Community members have asked a similar question and our users have responded with the usual thoughtful answers. This person asked for an easier way to do it and the response was a security script that can be run once the Linode is set up.

Another answer to a similar question provides a little more in-depth information about how to set up SFTP access as well as more firewall info.

I hope this helps you out!


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