How can I apply for port 25?

Dear friends, I hope to buy a server that can open 25 ports, but now I don't know why the ports are blocked. I want to send an email to my customers, but now I can't do it. How can I get your support for this problem? Thank you!

6 Replies

We're working to empower customers to remove these ports without the need of Support intervention. Until that time comes, you'll need to open a Support ticket. If this is an urgent matter, we recommend reaching out to us by phone. Otherwise, Support tickets are answered on a rolling basis and response times can fluctuate.

Dear friends, if I want to open the 25 port limit under my account now, how can I cooperate with your work to open it?

You can contact us by phone or open a Support ticket from Cloud Manager. We can move forward with you request through one of those channels.

How can I contact the cloud manager?

Dear friends, how can I contact the cloud manager?

Dear friends, how can I contact the cloud manager?

Login at From there you can go to “Get Help” > “Customer Support” to log a ticket.


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