how to change the linode description used on the dashboard

The dashboard summary shows:

Ubuntu 19.10, Linode 2GB: 1 CPU, 50GB Storage, 2GB RAM

This is now inaccurate, having release upgraded to 20.04. Note I don't mean the linode label, or the "disk config" label, they're fine.

4 Replies

If you've updated the disk or config label after booting it up, then it'll keep the same description until rebooted. Try rebooting it and it should show the label as you expect.

If it doesn't, feel free to open a ticket and myself or another member of the Support team will be happy to take a look.

There have been several reboots since the release upgrade. I'll try another…

No change, still saying Ubuntu 19.10.

Sadly this isn’t possible. The label you refer to is the original template from which it was installed.

I have even rebuilt a Linode with Ubuntu, then restored a backup from a Linode running Fedora over it, and it still says Ubuntu.

Whilst this is such a tiny thing that has no impact anywhere else (I.e. it is just a label) it would really help my OCD/pedantic-ness if it could be changed - either auto detected from the Linode filesystem when it boots, or if we could manually change ourselves (worst case.)


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