Sending files to and getting files from my Linode


I don't want to set up FTP on my Linode, but some times I just have to send a file or fifty from my 'box to my Linode.

How I do securely do that?

I remimber seeing a program, a while back, that would send a file through a ssh connection, and I remimber the screenshot showed the terminal with binary-printed-to-ascii converted file being sent from the terminal into the waiting program on the host (Linode) wich would take the Standard Input and dump it to a file (converting it back to it's pure binary form in the process). I wanted something like that…

…or not.

5 Replies

'scp' works nicely, as well as 'sftp' if you want a more ftp-like interface.

Download an app called "WinSCP"… google will help you find it.

I feel a little dumb, actually…

I have SSH installed, and I just needed to set the "SSH2" option in gFTP to allow file transfer over the SSH line… here I am trying to make things too complicated again! A night's sleep does wonders…

Thanks for your help.

I'm betting that option is just another name for SCP :)

also if ur on a winbox and u wont to just "drag and drop" a file u could setup samba and use something like openvpn (easy to setup) to secure it.


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