
Again, my xennode is slow. Swap is setup properly. Opened a ticket 3 days ago, but haven't heard anything.

Basically, everything seems to be running at a very slow crawl, even though I'm barely touching swap (68k used). A configure of php 5.1.4 took over 35 minutes (gave up and went to bed). The compile I left running. Make install on already built binaries took about 10 minutes.

Opening up top is very slow, as is just about everything else I've tried. Even doing a "w" takes 10-15 seconds.

This has been going on since at least Friday of last week, when I noticed php scripts that normally take a fraction of a second were bombing in the 30 second range.

Is anybody else having similar problems? Any ideas? At this point, the only thing I have running is ssh, it's just way too slow for anything else.

3 Replies

Yes, I have noticed a sludge-like crawl the last few days. I notice it most when I try to edit a file in vim. It takes 20-30 seconds to popup even the simplest of text files. I gave up on an apt-get update because it took over 2 minutes to get through the 'parsing database'….

I killed a run-away process on the host, and also messed around with the CPU scheduling settings a bit. Noticing any improvement?


For me, the difference is night and day. Snappy and responsive again.


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