How to configure Litespeed on a Linode with Wordpress & ZesleCP?

Linode Staff

What is the best way to configure Litespeed on a Linode with ZesleCP & WordPress installed?

4 Replies

Hey there -

I've not used Litespeed before, but I did an online search for you to see what resources I could come up with and I found this which might be helpful as it gives you some of the requirements for them to work together:

Install WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed

I couldn't find much about configuring Litespeed with ZesleCP, but as Zesle is a control panel it should work fine. However, I've added some tags to this post to give it more visibility to the rest of the Linode Community.


I didn't find much information about ZesleCP. If ZesleCP isn't your only choice, please consider using CyberPanel(, which is based on OpenLiteSpeed from the first beginning.


Hi there,

We are planning for official OpenLiteSpeed support within ZesleCP. It will available to use very soon.


Hi Team,
I'm interested to migrate my website to linode.@linode

Current Server Configuration:

VPS Cores 2 RAM 4GB Server with Cpanel

Litespeed Web Server @litespeed &


Is it Possible?? Migrate to Linode ??

Thanks & Regards,


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