‘Bare metal Linode’

I read about the beta for this in your blog. Will these have backups available? Is this the beginning of support for other OSs besides Linux?

Inquiring minds want to know…

— sw

4 Replies

Inquiring minds want to know…


Bare metal Linodes plus block-level backups would be amazing!

In fact I’d settle for block-level backups :)

Competitive pricing would be nice as well. Most Bare Metal providers are fairly pricey, but this one isn't. I've thought of trying them out, but it would take a bit of doing to get Arch Linux installed on one of them, an operating system Linode supports and not all providers support.

Also, if a price point that's less expensive per month would require a charge up front, such as a quarter the cost of the server, half the cost of the server, etc, I'd go for that as well, for long running Bare Metal instances.

Is there any updates on this?

Hey all! There's a lot of great feedback and questions here. I'm going to answer them inline below. As always, keep an eye out for official updates on our blog.

Is this the beginning of support for other OSs besides Linux

This is a great idea and it's one that I've passed along to our team for further review. The option will still be available to create install custom operating systems just as you can with a shared plan Linode.

Bare metal Linodes plus block-level backups would be amazing!

At the moment, backups are not available for Bare Metal instances. I've passed your suggestion on to our team so they can track this request.

Also, if a price point that's less expensive per month would require a charge up front, such as a quarter the cost of the server, half the cost of the server, etc, I'd go for that as well, for long running Bare Metal instances.

This is also a pretty cool idea. I've let the team in on this.

Let us know if you have any additional questions and keep an eye on our blog!


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