Anoher cancellation, no refund

Becoming a common thread here. I cancelled my yearly, but then was re-charged for anothe ryear on June 1, 2006. Disputing via my CC company. Would be easier if I were just credited. Also, Is there a phone/e-mail support line?

3 Replies

BTW, this was a yearly account that I cancelled before it was automatically renewed. An hour or so after I cancelled on-line, I got an e-mail thanking me for renewing for another year!

Just to clarify, our billing system doesn't bill someone after they've canceled. In this case, he cancelled a few hours after he was billed.

We'll get your refund to you today.



Becoming a common thread here. I cancelled my yearly, but then was re-charged for anothe ryear on June 1, 2006. Disputing via my CC company. Would be easier if I were just credited. Also, Is there a phone/e-mail support line?

Jumping the gun and posting when there isn't an actual problem just adds noise to the discussions where there really is a problem. You cancelled after your account renewed, and you didn't even bother to try to get some help from Linode support privately before airing this (inaccurately) in public. Have more patience next time.


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