Is Linode blocking my Ghost Subscribe

Hi, so I run a Ghost blog on my Nanode and I am trying to get the Members feature to function but the Subscribe button does not work presumably as the email configuration is not working. No email is being sent. I have set up the below configuration as indicated in this documentation.

"mail": {
"transport": "SMTP",
"options": {
  "service": "Sendgrid",
  "host": "",
  "port": "587",
  "auth": {
    "user": "apikey",
    "pass": "password"

But the email doesn't go through. Is this something to do with Linode blocking the SMTP port? I suppose the emails are being send via SendGrid so it mustn't need Linode's ports. What seems to be the issue?

2 Replies

Linode currently blocks all SMTP traffic by default on new accounts. Currently, these filters can be removed on your account by opening a Support ticket. That said, I believe I located your account and removed the filters for you. If you're still seeing email delivery not work for you, please let us know by opening a ticket to make sure we have the correct account.

We discuss these restrictions in our Running a Mail Server guide and announced it on our blog.

Additionally, we're working towards making this information more visible in the Cloud Manager and on mechanisms that would enable customers to be able to get these restrictions removed without opening a ticket.

Thanks! I did read the documentation and pretty much scourged all of Google, but as WordPress worked out of the box without any need for further configuration, I just had to confirm if it is indeed Ghost's SMTP relay that is being blocked, by Linode. Really glad for your help and that too so rapidly.



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