Web Radio


Do you have any plan for Web Radio?

3 Replies

Not right now, no.


Linode is an unmanaged service, so you'll need to install and configure any software you wish to run.


Linode is a virtual private server without any management services (aside from basic distribution installation, harddrive partitioning and reverse DNS management for the IP address(es) you're assigned).

You get a limitation of disk space, RAM and a minimum assigned CPU speed. No extra software is installed. Whatever you need, you will have to install yourself. If you're not familiar with the Linux command line and/or the tools that comes with Linux (depending on which distribution you select, of course), you'll either have to ask a friend who knows his/her way around Linux or hire someone to manage the software installed based on your specifications.

Regarding mail and web, you can host as many hostnames/domains as you want, as long as you configure the software (manually) yourself. Although there are management tools such as CPanel and Webmin, you'll still have to install the basics yourself as well as pay the license fees where applicable.

When it comes to setting up a web radio, you'll need to choose a package that allows for the bandwidth usage needed, as well as purchase additional bandwidth allotment if this is needed. Basic formula:

b = ((c + 1) * r * 2.56)


b = bandwidth needed (in GiB)

c = max. listener count

r = bitrate quality (in kbps) used


If you have, say, max 10 listeners at any time and streaming at 24 kbps, you'll need at least (11 * 24 * 2.56) = 675.84 GiB bandwidth per month.

The "2.56" in the above formula is the equivalent of ((60 * 60 * 24 * 31) / (1024 * 1024)), which is actually the equivalent of converting the number to GiB and then multiplying it to cover 31 days (months that have 28, 29 or 30 days will have bandwidth to spare in this formula).


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