Storage IOPS
I am creating a MongoDb database. I want to know:
1- what is storage IOPS of a dedicated cpu linode.
2- is there any difference between IOPS of a standard/dedicated cpu linode.
1 Reply
Hey there -
Thanks for posting! The major difference between a Dedicated CPU plan and a standard plan is the CPU usage. With a standard plan, you'll share CPU resources with other Linodes on the host, whereas with a dedicated plan you don't.
I want to give you as much information as I can toward answering your questions.
I/O performance between Dedicated and Standard plans are discussed at length in this additional post, which I'd like to link you to. It's as specific about it as we can get - and it should give you the information you're looking for.
Where we can be specific about IOPS is with our Block Storage, and it'll give you those numbers:
Does a Dedicated CPU or High Memory plan improve disk I/O performance?
I also wanted to give you some additional resources that might be helpful to you:
Introducing: Linode Dedicated CPU Instances
I hope this helps you out. let us know if you need anything clarified or if any further questions are raised.