Really slow Performance

Hi everyone,
I have been developing a multiplayer game but when I deployed it on a linode server I got really poor performance. It works for a few seconds but then the client applications become unresponsive. I have the Linode 8GB plan and run on Ubuntu. I am not really sure if this is a problem in my netcode or that I should upgrade to a better server. I also don't get any errors. This is my current code:

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

Hi @sietseq! I can't speak to your code, as I'm not a programmer myself, but I can point you in the right direction to check out your Linode and see if it's running properly.

First, I'd highly recommend using 'top' or 'htop' to see if any processes are using more CPU time or memory than you expect. We have a guide on using 'top' here:

Using top to Monitor Server Performance

From there, try running iostat to see if there's a disk or CPU bottleneck, or CPU steal:

iostat 1 10

There's a post on CPU steal here:

What is CPU steal and how does it affect my Linode?

If you suspect a network problem, try running an MTR report to see how the connection between your location and your Linode is performing:

Diagnosing Network Issues with MTR


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