How do I fix IP address errors when installing Jitsi?

Linode Staff

I'm trying to install Jitsi, and I'm getting this error:

Warning! Could not resolve your external ip address! Error:^
Your turn server will not work till you edit your /etc/turnserver.conf config file.
You need to set your external ip address in exernal-ip and restart coturn service.

2 Replies

I found a post from Jitsi's Community about this error in which opening ports 80 and 443 resolved the issue. If you haven't already, check that these are open and have a service listening to them. You can check which services are listening to which ports with the following command:

sudo ss -plunt

If that doesn't work, you can try editing /etc/turnserver.conf using an editor like nano or vi. If you're not already familiar with vi, I recommend using nano for simplicity's sake. The commands to open /etc/turnserver.conf with either editor are below:

nano /etc/turnserver.conf
vi /etc/turnserver.conf

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