How do I enable autoscaling for Linodes in case of memory/CPU over utilized

Hi Everyone,

I would like to understand if there is practical solutions for autoscaling Linodes on CPU/memory over utilization .

Swathi Ambujakshan

2 Replies

Hey Swathi -

It sounds like our Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) might be a good fit for you. I'm going to link you some guides on how it works, and how to set it up.

A Beginner's Guide to Kubernetes

A Tutorial for Deploying and Managing a Cluster with Linode Kubernetes Engine

To answer your questions on autoscaling, specifically:

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

What you're trying to do should be a good use case for this.

I hope that helps! Feel free to post any further questions you have here in the thread.

Does Linode have any plans or a roadmap for implementing autoscaling without Kubernetes? It's overkill for a lot of cases, and a lot of users understandably don't want to add it to their tech stack, yet autoscaling is a desirable feature.


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