How do I access the server?

Hi guys, I'm very new to Linode. So sorry if this is a dumb question.
I just deploy and enable Tomcat in my Linode. It is started and I don't see any error in the log.
But when I try to access it, using the public IP plus the port, I still can't access.
I wonder if I did right to connect the server that way? I try to use Linode as my app server. So in the furture I will use Swift to make RESTful calls.

1 Reply

I'd recommend checking to see if the Tomcat server is running as you expect. You can use the following command to list all services on your Linode listening to the internet, and which ports they're using:

netstat -pltnu

If it's up and running, check your Linode's firewall rules to make sure the connection is being allowed through:

iptables -L -nv --line-numbers

That should rule out the most common problems. If it's still not working after that, I'd recommend double checking the Tomcat configuration itself.


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