hostname error and wildcards

WoW gaining dns support, AND a memory increase in one day? Now thats what i call service :D

Now onto the testing…

adding a new domain: works, however "" results in an invalid hostname error. I would imaging this has something todo with the "-" in it.

Also will there be wildcard support? ie map * to one ip, but still allow say to be pointed to another?

4 Replies


adding a new domain: works, however "" results in an invalid hostname error. I would imaging this has something todo with the "-" in it.
Fixed. This was already in there, but somehow I reverted it.


Also will there be wildcard support? ie map * to one ip, but still allow say to be pointed to another?
Yes, it should work now, although the regex isn't perfect yet.


I'm trying to migrate my DNS to Linode, but the DNS manager is complaining when I try to point *.domain.tld to domain.tld. It says "Invalid hostname *.domain.tld". Any ideas?

Linode Staff


I'm trying to migrate my DNS to Linode, but the DNS manager is complaining when I try to point *.domain.tld to domain.tld. It says "Invalid hostname *.domain.tld". Any ideas?
In the CNAME section? I'll look tonight – should be an easy fix.

As a work around, you could just enter it in as an A record with your domain's IP.


CNAME section, yes. Thanks, I'll use your workaround in the meantime.


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