rancher cluster cannot run when set etcd, control plane and worker on separate node

I have trouble when add cluster with etcd, control plane, and worker on separate node.
I think the problem is because ccm-linode is not creating pod.
But it's working when I use etcd, control plane and worker on same node.

1 Reply

Hey there -

Without being able to see your specifics - logs, etc., it's difficult to tell exactly what's happening. I have a few recommendations that I want to give here for you.

You can view your logs to see if any errors are occurring by running the following commands:

For the name of the CCM pod:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

To view the logs:

kubectl logs ccm-linode-#### -n kube-system --tail=100

You may find error messages in there that might help point you in the right direction.

Also, there's a situation where this happens that's known to our LKE team that's specific to Rancher and Linode integration only when separating the control plane/etcd pool from the worker node pool. What we recommend is unifying them into one pool instead of splitting them up.

I don't know if any of this applies to your specific situation, but I wanted to give you some information that would hopefully point you in the right direction.

For further documentation, check out our guide:

Deploying Kubernetes on Linode with Rancher 2.3


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