Problem with Wordpress installation on Debian 9

I have a Linode with a lamp stack that supports my Wordpress blog.

I used the following page to install Wordpress:

When I point my browser to the url for my website, I get a folder with the hostname of my website. I can click through to the blog (and Wordpress dashboard) from there, but I'd clearly like readers to be directed right to the blog.

Any ideas?


3 Replies

I can't say for certain without knowing more about your setup, but it sounds like the virtual host configuration in Apache or NGINX is configured to look in the wrong folder. In Apache, check to make sure the 'DocumentRoot' is pointing to the proper location. We have a guide on configuring virtual hosts in Apache here:

Configure Name-Based Virtual Hosts

In NGINX, the 'root' setting is the one you want to check in the site configuration file:

Set an NGINX Site Configuration File

In either case, it sounds like you'll want to point it to the folder with the hostname of your website that's in the directory where the configuration is currently looking.

Thanks for that; I'm making progress. I went through these steps, including the php test and got a connected successfully message.

Now when I point my browser at my site's url I no longer see the index page. But I now see this, with all the links dead.


More ideas?



I also found the note below on a Linode "install wordperfect" page, but don't know how to edit the VirtualHosts code block on my Wordpress site. Can anyone help with that?

If using permalinks to set your posts’ URLs, Apache will need to be updated to allow individual sites to update the .htaccess file. To permit this, add the following to you WordPress website’s VirtualHosts code block:

<directory var="" www="">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
You will now be able to login to your new WordPress-powered website. You can continue the configuration of your WordPress site from the web-based interface.

Congratulations! You have now successfully installed WordPress.


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