Nanode Plan: is CPU dedicated enough?

I want to try running game server for Quakelive.
Planning to get server in Frankfurt.
My question here is like following: will be CPU of Nanode Plan dedicated enough for this?
I think that you guys already have clients that are running such servers. What are their experiences?
Server itself is not very CPU hungry, but eats some of it.

I have one friend who used your service before (~2 years ago).
His server was on
He said that everything went good enough and then some CPU problems started and finally he was forced to leave the service.
How things are doing today? Is it get better? Or same situation?

Thank you very much.

1 Reply

Hey there -

My question here is like following: will be CPU of Nanode Plan dedicated enough for this?

I'm not that familiar with Quake Live, but from what I've found online about the system requirements it looks like you need 1 GB of RAM, which the Nanode provides.

What I recommend doing is monitoring your Linode's resource usage to make sure that it's working properly for you. There are a few tips in this other post that should help:

CPU usage 100%

If you find the Nanode plan is too small, you can always resize it as needed.


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