Stupid question time: kernel upgrade

How do I switch my Debian Sarge system from 2.4 to 2.6? And are there any benefits to doing so?

7 Replies

The kernel which your node boots is a configuration profile option.

2.4 has not been actively developed for some time (although it's been maintained, of course). 2.6 probably has higher performance, and all the new features.

Basically, 2.4 has the advantages and disadvantages of never changing.


The kernel which your node boots is a configuration profile option.

Oh right, that was easy. Makes me wonder why I never bothered before.

So Sarge upgrades fine without any changes (outside of the control panel obviously)?

The only thing holding me back right now is 270 days of uptime. :)

I run a pretty standard LAMP and Postfix setup for what its worth.


So Sarge upgrades fine without any changes (outside of the control panel obviously)?

Yup. I made sure I was up to date with aptitude, and then rebooted and everything was fine. And as a side benefit, I got the free memory upgrade.


The only thing holding me back right now is 270 days of uptime. :)

High uptimes can be a harsh mistress. I almost think it's worthwhile to reboot once in a while just to kick that reluctance to reboot. Almost.

You've got to do it for the free memory, anyway. May as well kill two birds with one stone as ptomblin did.

After switching to 2.6, my linode has frozen twice in the last couple of weeks. Forget it, I'm going back to 2.4.

hmm, that's disheartening to hear but good to know. I'll stick with 2.4 as well.


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