Reboot: host56 (2006-06-22)

Linode Staff

Looks like it BUGed and reboot itself. Xenodes are coming online now.


7 Replies

Host initiated restart reported Status = 'Success' but Host Message = 'xenlinodeboot: failed to get domid' and Xenode was shown as 'Powered Off' on the summary page.

Manual reboot brought it back to life.

Funny… Mine seems to have rebooted normally.

Mine didn't come up either.

Host initiated restart said it was a success, but host powered off/really not up. And this message:

xen_linode_boot: failed to get domid
xen_linode_boot: warning - li-network might not have ran

Also strangeness with the dates on the host restart task:

Job Entered      01/04/1974 12:00:00 AM      
Host Start Date     06/22/2006 04:36:12 PM


Also strangeness with the dates on the host restart task:

Job Entered      01/04/1974 12:00:00 AM      
Host Start Date     06/22/2006 04:36:12 PM

Funny date is so that jobs inserted in the queue by the host execute first. 01/04/1974 is caker's birthday.


Funny… Mine seems to have rebooted normally.

Mine came up OK at the previous reboot, but not this time. It seems to be pretty random.


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