Unable to send mail from my rails web application

I am having Rails web application deployed on the linode server. But when I am sending the mail from the server like sign up successful, the mail can't be sent and getting following error.

F, [2020-05-18T07:01:25.989671 #24343] FATAL -- : [84000e5c-17db-442d-b81d-ed63b4d50162] F, [2020-05-18T07:01:25.990098 #24343] FATAL -- : [84000e5c-17db-442d-b81d-ed63b4d50162] Net::OpenTimeout (execution expired): F, [2020-05-18T07:01:25.990268 #24343] FATAL -- : [84000e5c-17db-442d-b81d-ed63b4d50162]

My IP address is .

I have been trying to solve this for 5 days I have tried all the google solutions. Please let me know How can I fix this as soon as possible

1 Reply

Hi @adeion_hardik!

To help combat spam on our platform, new Linode accounts have SMTP port restrictions in place on all Linodes by default. You'll need to open up a Support ticket and we'll be able to help you out.

Keep in mind that having proper DNS records will reduce the chances of your mail being flagged as spam by the receiving email provider. Our guides on configuring DNS and rDNS records within the Linode Manager will give you instructions on how to do this.

Once your DNS configuration is complete, you can confirm that these records have been configured correctly by running the following commands:

dig +short $URL for checking the A record
dig -x $IP +short for checking rDNS

If you plan on using the Linode(s) for business related mailing now or in the future, keep in mind that we require business mailing to adhere to the CAN-SPAM act.

Finally, we recommend you review Section 2 ("Abuse") of our Acceptable Use Policy. Terms of Service or AUP violations may result in the reinstatement of SMTP port restriction or account termination.

Let us know if you have any questions!


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