How do I install another wordpress without creating new linode

Hi! please can someone guide me on how I can make second wordpress website on my current linode $5 monthly?

I deployed the first one with one click app and I don't know how to go about adding the second one.

I looked through this post but it isnt talking about what I want.

I already have the first wordpress which I installed through one click app. Now I want to add the second one on the same linode.

Help guide me if you understand my question please. Thanks!

21 Replies

Hey there, @skd4!

There is no way to install two WordPress sites on one Linode using our One-Click App. This is because the scripts for the Apps are run during Linode creation. This will need to be done manually. The guide you found is a great resource! Those are the steps you would take to host multiple WordPress sites on one Linode. Alternatively, you can deploy a second Linode using the same One-Click App that you previously used. Please, keep in mind that adding an additional Linode will increase your account's invoice balance.

Let us know if you have any additional questions and happy learning!

Please I have run into a serious problem.
I used one click app on my first installation. Now as you said this I dont know how to go about it.
I already upload another wordpress to /www/hiphopgist
and I created zone records for the site and when you visit the new domain redirects to

Please how would I be able to solve this so they can point differently. Thanks.

Please guide me I have less knowledge of how to do this and if you can give me a little time to explain to me rather than pointing me to posts that doesnt work in my own case I will appreciate better.
Please am waiting. The site is pointing back to my first site I setup using one click app.

I already upload another wordpress to /www/hiphopgist
and I created zone records for the site and when you visit the new domain redirects to

To get a better idea of what you're working with, I sent a cURL to your site - - and it stated that you were using Apache as your webserver:

Server: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)

In order to have two distinct sites running on the same Linode/IP, you'll want to make sure your Virtual Host configuration in Apache is correct.

A Virtual Host in Apache is commonly known as Vhost and its purpose is to allow you to run more than one website on a single IP using the Apache web server.

I'm going to link you to a few documents that will help you do this. The first is one of our guides, and it'll give you the basics of an Apache configuration:

Apache Configuration Basics

The other link I wanted to provide is one that gives you good examples of proper Vhost configuration, which you can use as a model for your own. This is directly from Apache's site:

Apache Virtual Host Examples

I hope this is helpful!

Thanks dear but I want to understand one thing here. Do I need to start afresh as I formally used one click app to get daily4mative working?
Or do I have to continue from just configuring the apache as you said?
Please forgive me for so much troubles. Thanks

I dont really want to loose files on daily4mative. Guide me if I should start afresh or continue from changing apache settings.
I will like to let you know that I can get to apache2 fm sfpt if thats where I can do the changes.

well I have really messed up my site and everything is off now. No hope but to delete and start afresh

@skd4 --

If you have to start over, and you want to run more than one Wordpress site on your Linode, you should learn how to install Wordpress without the one-click app thingie:

Unless you want to completely duplicate Wordpress code for every site you have, you need to have a look at this too:

Wordpress Multisite allows Wordpress sites to share code and to manage databases effectively.

-- sw

But why refer me to digitalocean when I am on linode? It confuses me when I want to try it.

It's what Google found. The steps are the same. I'm sure Linode has an equally informative guide.

-- sw

Alright I am trying it out. So I have to delete linode and start afresh?
Cuz my two sites are off already but Ii have my data.
Please do I have to delete linode, nameserver and domain from the account and then start?
please I need your guide.

You don't have to delete your Linode…just the Wordpress installation, the Apache setup that the one-click app installed and the MySQL database it uses. Keep the MySQL db admin/password…just destroy the database. You're on your own when it comes to restoring your existing data…I don't have a clue about that. My last experience with Wordpress was very unhappy and I ended up ditching it and rolling my own that was more in tune with my needs. I've never looked back…

When installing multi-site you should use the "unique database per Wordpress instance" setup.

You should also get yourself some good reference material on Wordpress and how to manage it. Here's a few suggestions:

-- sw

ok thanks. I am looking into all this. But please which cms are you using that looks better? Is it easier and something I can move to?

When I used a CMS (which I don't anymore), I used this one:

It's very modest and does not need MySQL. It's also very defunct. You can get the complete list here:

and investigate alternatives yourself. Keep in mind your limitations…and support implications.

The two websites I manage that don't belong to me are built on a system that I built myself based on programmatically-assembled static pages. They don't even use a database.

-- sw

P.S. The Linode folks are probably not going to be happy for me mentioning this but there's also They specialize in pay-for Wordpress hosting. You can use your own domains and you get to concentrate on your site and not on dealing with LAMP. Conversely, you lose control over how your site is managed from a sysadmin point of view. It might be an option for you. I have no idea how much it costs…prob more than $5/month.

Okay…I like to stay with linode but its just hard time for me to figure this out.
Linode supports are seeing this but they dont want to help just because I am not rich enough to afford managed service from them. They fail to help on even the little one.
Now my 2 sites are off and I am still confused on how to get them working.
They have failed to guide me and its very bad they want me to quit but I will not. It's too bad.

You write:

Linode supports are seeing this but they dont want to help just because I am not rich enough to afford managed service from them. They fail to help on even the little one.

That was the deal you signed up for…you shouldn't be complaining about them because you didn't understand it when you plunked down your hard-earned cash. The Linode support staff are not in the teaching business…

You write:

They have failed to guide me and its very bad they want me to quit but I will not. It's too bad.

I don't work for Linode. I do, however, occasionally get loyalty rewards from them for posting here. I'm just trying to offer you a viable solution commensurate with your skill level. I've been a Linode customer for a long time and I had lots of Unix software dev experience before that. I also spent a long time in shared-hosting hell (where there are no good options…only least bad ones) trying to bend them to my will about supporting what I wanted to do (for an exercise in frustration, try to convince some support 'droid at Hostgator, for example, s/he should install procmail on their ancient 2.6-kernel CentOS -7 server). I can almost guarantee that I'm a lot older than you and I know from experience that it's a very hard first lesson to learn when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em…

-- sw

Yeah I understand you. I know I need to spend time and learn it but I was looking at getting my site online then I will be learning along. The only way I make money is through ads on the site and now its offline. Thats why am bordered.
You have tried for me and I appreciate your effort.

Am just searching on google and youtube to see if I can see a full tutorial on how to get at least 3 wordpress site on linode and point my domain on it separately.
I have not hard any luck….most guys keep doing tutorial for one click app install and I wonder why they refuse to do a tutorial for manual configuration through each steps on linode.

I am going to provide a robust tutorial on how to do this if I really learn it. Now my concern to get my site online in order that I can hope on making some money before Linode comes with their bills.
I need serious help.

You write:

I have not hard any luck….most guys keep doing tutorial for one click app install and I wonder why they refuse to do a tutorial for manual configuration through each steps on linode.

It's covered elsewhere…in the links for the books I posted, at, etc.

An equally-hard lesson to learn is knowing when you need to step back, take a deep breath and start over in a more-controlled, more-rational way with evolving your solution slowly based on your acquisition of more knowledge and experience. The profit motive and revolution don't always mix very well.

-- sw

Thanks Stevewi. I will like to be your friend on facebook or whatsapp or anywhere u can allow. Can you?
for facebook am /godswillmesh

I don't do social media (FB is evil). What I would do is post something like "How did you learn?" here and see what pops up. I'm sure others will have valuable insights. Filter whatever advice you get through the lens of your own experience.

I'm not a prophet. I don't have any corner on the market for truth. Furthermore, you should distrust anyone who claims such magical knowledge. I'm just an old fart who's been through the school of hard knocks…sometimes making the same mistakes over and over and over again because I wouldn't admit to myself that I wasn't invincible.

You have it within you to discover your hidden strength. You just need a shot of confidence that you can do it…and a whole lot of perseverance. Start slow; forgive your mistakes; and build on your successes.
-- sw

ok. so I cant connect with you somewhere else?

Send me an email at the address you see posted here:

You have until 12:30pm PDT before that image disappears.

-- sw


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