Trouble adding TXT record for Zoho verification

Linode Staff

I'm unable to complete domain verification for Zoho. I keep getting this error message when I try to add the TXT record in the Linode DNS Manager: "Name contains invalid characters".

Here are the instructions provided by Zoho:

Sign in to your domain hosting site and open the Domain Management page to update DNS records.


Copy the TXT file below and paste it in DNS configuration for

Name (Host/Alias/TXT)
Values (Point to/Destination)


Please wait for an hour and then click Verify. (You have now added the TXT successfully. However, you may have wait for some time for the changes to get reflected in the DNS servers.

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The invalid character in this case is the "@" symbol in the "Hostname" field. Third-party services commonly provide generic instructions to either leave the hostname blank (empty), or use the @ symbol. Some providers require one or the other, but they're essentially the same thing to the zone file - they denote $ORIGIN.

For the Linode DNS Manager, leave the hostname field blank instead of "@", and you should be all set!


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