How do I delete a public StackScript?

Linode Staff

I have some public StackScripts that are deprecated, and would like to remove them from my account, but the option to delete them isn't there. How do I delete a public StackScript once it's deprecated?

1 Reply

I can confirm that there isn't a way to remove a StackScript from your account once it's been made public, however you can update its label to indicate that it's deprecated, and you can also still update/edit the script itself.

If you add something like " - DEPRECATED" to the end of the script's label, you can easily identify which scripts are no longer current. I tested this with one of my own StackScripts and can confirm that it worked.

Alternatively, you can update the old script with your new code and continue using the same StackScript ID. Just be sure that no one else is still using the script if you decide to do this, as it may break their deployments.


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