
Has anyone made one of these server? I need to know once you make the server where you go to update the files to mod the server and do your updates on the Rust server.

5 Replies

@Linux4life In case you haven't seen this yet, our Marketplace has some helpful resources that customers can use for each of the One-Click apps we offer. The Rust link is below and includes a link for the Rust wiki and Linux GSM which is a command line tool that you can use to manage Linux game servers.

Keep running into issue when ever try to do command give the following

phisig@li1124-70:/home/rustserver$ sudo ./rustserver wipe
[sudo] password for phisig:
[ FAIL ] Do NOT run this script as root!
[ ERROR ] No exit code setphisig@li1124-70:/home/rustserver$

and when I don't run it with sudo give me

phisig@li1124-70:/home/rustserver$ ./rustserver wipe
/home/rustserver/lgsm/functions/ line 76: /home/rustserver/log/script/rustserver-script.log: Permission denied
/home/rustserver/lgsm/functions/ line 147: /home/rustserver/log/script/rustserver-script.log: Permission denied
/home/rustserver/lgsm/functions/ line 148: /home/rustserver/log/script/rustserver-script.log: Permission denied

Hey there,

I think that this specific issue you are running into is likely because the user phisig does not have permissions to the user rustserver's home directory. The easy way to fix this would be:

#first, change the password of the user rustserver
passwd rustserver 
#Then log in as rustserver
login rustserver

From there, you should be able to run all of the commands included with ./rustserver

Thank you so much Smccabe that was it!!!!!!!!!!

Not a problem :) Happy it worked, have fun on your server!


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