How Do I Connect Linodes in Muiltiple Data Centers Via IPSec or Similar?

Linode Staff

I want to use IPSec to connect Linodes together between data centers.

I have been trying to configure it with OVS. I created a bridge on top on eth0 and re-assigned all ip addresses/routes the bridge, but I lost network connectivity.

Does ether/mac need to match the eth0 interface for the connection to be successful? Do I need something to enable on the kernel level?

2 Replies

ZeroTier works great for that, and its free 👍

The problem seems to be related to Linode vm setup. A new bridge interface (br0) is unable to receive an ip thru dhclient br0, but the same command seems to work fine for eth0. Manual ip and gateway replacements have no impact.

This is something that Linode people should look into!


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