Kubernetes cluster persistent storage

When creating LKE clusters you add nodes as follows:

Plan CPUs Storage Ram
Linode 2GB 1 50GB 2GB
Linode 4GB 2 80GB 4GB
Linode 192GB 32 3840GB 192GB

Given that containers are 'mortal' why do these plans include increasing storage? I was under the impression that the storage on the node is used to contain containers which should not be that big and the rest of the data would be mounted into the container from block storage. How can the extra storage be used?

2 Replies

I believe I'm right in saying that the Kubernetes nodes are essentially just Linodes with a preloaded image.

You can treat these nodes just the same as any other Linode - such as SSH'ing into them, and installing additional software, with the benefit of them being pre-configured to your LKE cluster.

For me it does make sense that they match the same plans as "non-LKE" Linodes; you don't have the confusion of why you'd get lower allocated storage space than if you spun up the same spec Linode outside of LKE.

I was under the impression that the storage on the node is used to contain containers which should not be that big and the rest of the data would be mounted into the container from block storage. How can the extra storage be used?

AFAIK there is no requirement to use block storage with LKE - you could use the rest of the Linode's SSD and mount permanent storage into a container I presume? Although granted that container wouldn't be functional outside of the allocate node I guess?

Thanks for the reply I think you are right they are the same as all other linodes. My personal preference would be not to mix them with normal linodes but that is just me.


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