How can I tell how big one of my Object Storage Buckets is
I can't see it in the interface anywhere? Am I missing something?
I assume it will be available once the free period is over.
2 Replies
This isn't currently possible in the Cloud Manager.
s3cmd has a "du" option:
# s3cmd du -H s3://my-bucket-name
121.05269622802734M 5338 objects s3://my-bucket-name/
I knew I’d seen this somewhere recently - here’s a Github issue for this exact request.
TLDR; You can do the same command through the Linode CLI:
# linode-cli obj du my-bucket-name
121.05 MB 5339 objects my-bucket-name
Or, if your bucket is in Frankfurt:
# linode-cli obj --cluster eu-central-1 du my-bucket-name
121.05 MB 5339 objects my-bucket-name