Solved How do I bake spec to use linode-cli?

Linode running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

On running first linode-cli command I went through the default config settings when prompted. Now, any linode-cli commands I type in I get the message:

No spec baked. Please bake by calling this script as follows:
python3 bake /path/to/spec

I can't get past this so I need to complete this step before I can use continue to use linode-cli. Reading through some documentation (linode-cli) I don't see mention of this.

Any experience with this or suggestions how I should proceed?

3 Replies

Resolved through support.

If you're reading this post and have encountered the same issue, try running the following command:

python3 -m linodecli bake

That should resolve the no spec error and allow you to continue working with the CLI.

I had to start a new shell before the baking would take.


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