Am I doing something wrong or does AWS win in speed?

Hi guys, I live in Vietnam and I use openvpn to gain a more solid connection to SE Asia in order to play more comfortably and with better ping on my PS4. Now I have been experimenting and my results unfortunatly have AWS way ahead. I have better spec VPC with Linode also. Using the same openvpn and same settings. here are my results.

<img alt="speed-test" border="0" src="">

Please let me know if there is an oversight on my side with my VPC that I do not know of, but pretty much set them up the same way. Thanks in advance

3 Replies

Your chart doesn't show what you think it shows. Neither Linode nor AWS are network providers…Viettel, StarHub Mobile & NewMedia Express are. AWS/Linode are the DNS providers.

What you are testing is not the "speed" of Amazon or Linode as an endpoint, you are testing the round-trip network performance between your device and the end point (Amazon or Linode), using your device's internet connection. There are several factors can impact the speed recorded by tests such as these:

  • your hardware;
  • the type of connection (wireline or wireless);
  • the browser you're using;
  • the network provider's access point(s) (and to some extent how well/poorly they're managed);
  • the physical distance between your device and the access point;
  • the number of hops between your device and the endpoint (and the performance of each hop);
  • etc etc etc

About all your chart shows is that your device is much closer to the Singaporean access points than the Vietnamese one.

-- sw

I'm sorry I have to disagree with you, performance for what I use it for is also down graded. It's fine, we don't have to window dress it just to be right. Sorry it hasn't worked out unless I see bandwidth improvements.


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