Counter-Strike: Global Offensive One-Click App

I'm setting up the CS:GO server via the one-clip app as described here

I recently setup a similar configuration (ubuntu + lgsm) on AWS manually. Over there I was able to run the ./csgoserver command to perform actions on the installation. For example I was able to install the sourcemod and metamod addons via lgsm. I was able to update config files for the game to setup things the way I wanted.

I am wondering what is the parallel/recommended way to accomplish the same?

3 Replies

I was able to figure out how game is setup. For anyone coming to this thread in the future, you need to switch to the csgoserver user.

After you log in as root, run su - csgoserver to switch to the csgoserver user.

Now I'm stuck at, what is the correct way to restart the game server?

Hey, if you figured out how to do things can you help me? I used the Su - csgoserver command and got into the csgo the csgo server user but none of the server console command is working. (like app_update 740 validate) etc.


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