mysql cluster

Overall, I am very satisfied with Linode service, but I have experience a serveral crashes so far for 6 months.

Have anybody tried mysql cluster with linode?

my case, I have a mysql+php+apache configuration.

I just wonder if mysql/cluster could be a good solution in terms of http thoughput, and availability.

It will be nice if I can set up 3 linodes with clustered service. only $60/month if 3 linode 80s.

how about master/slave configuration of mysql?

any idea or any comment?

2 Replies

While I can't comment or make suggestions for your clustered mysql config, I can say that nothing is preventing you from doing it. Here are a few things I have in the works that might make such configurations a little easier…

Regarding host instability: We're fairly confident that the affected machines will be healed via a BIOS update. Those will happen over the next few weeks. After that, we're pretty sure that the random host-freezes will be totally eliminated.

Linked Accounts / Inter-Account bandwidth excluded from bandwidth accounting: I have an idea for linking accounts -- and that will pave the way for a method to exclude inter-Linode bandwidth (within the same datacenter) from bandwidth accounting. So, that'll free you from that restriction.

Linked Accounts / Shared IP Space: ability for linked accounts to have all IP ranges configured on the hosts the nodes reside on. Meaning, you could have a shared IP that could be brought up on either node without involving reboots. Could work for failover/clustering…


Thanks for reply.

I checked the mysql cluster document and found the minimum memory requirement for mysql cluster is 512MB.

anyway, I tried to set up with linode 80 hoping that i can figure out some minimal configuration, but had some problem. I gave up the mysql clustet for now. but will try again when mysql 5.1 that has the on-disk database feature(minimum mem could be less than current), becomes stable enough.

I think mysql replication is the easiest option for linode (80) for now.

though this kind of configuration requires the some modification of the application.


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