Newbie seeking help with unexpected charges


Linode newbie here.
(got account few years back, but using it properly for a first time now)

Please, help me understand Linode billing and costs better.
I just can't track the reason for some unexpected charges.
Probably I have done something to incur those charges, but I am having trouble locating that reason.

I have started my first node from the web interface (nanonode - one click LAMP) approx. 24 hours ago.
At that time I also activated one domain with the defaults (master), but without adding any specific to the then active node records (like A records, etc.)
I deleted that node after ~15 hours.

(In the mean time I've played a lot with the Linode web interface options, but reading my activity log in the , I can't tell for sure what is the cause for the unexpected amount charged. I also copied the node image to my desktop with rescue mode, ssh and dd my first nanonode, before deleting it.)

At that time the "Uninvoiced Balance" was $0.22 - around twice of what I've expected, based on nanonode $0.0075/hr. and not much outbound bandwidth used (less than 1GB) or something else chargeable, that I am aware off.

I left my domain active and unchanged, even after deleting the nanonode and I'm wondering if that has something to do with the charges? I have not deleted it.

I don't believe that it is the reason, but I also have activated object storage (free until the end of next month) around the time I started my first node. I have not canceled it too.

At the time of writing this (it is 7-8 hours after I have deleted my node and stopped/deactivated/removed anything I can think of, except what I have mentioned above) I am still incuring charges. "Uninvoiced Balance" is now $0.28.

And while at that scale, the amount may seem negligible, not understanding the charges is a problem for me and I would appreciate your help in that regard.

As a side note, more detailed log of what exactly is contributing to the overall service charges would be nice. If there is such thing, I just couldn't find it on my own.

With exception of the above issues, Linode web interface feels pretty comfortable and intuitive.

I am pasting my event log after the post. Changing actual username with "MyUsername"

Best wishes,


Event   Duration    When

Image lamp-us-southeast - Debian 9 Disk has been deleted by MyUsername.
2020-04-10 00:18:54

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been shut down by MyUsername.
16 seconds
2020-04-09 22:36:25

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been deleted by MyUsername.
18 seconds
2020-04-09 22:36:25

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been shut down by MyUsername.
34 seconds
2020-04-09 22:35:17

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been rebooted by MyUsername.
28 seconds
2020-04-09 14:53:38

Domain has been created by MyUsername.
2020-04-09 08:38:11

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been booted with config My Debian 9 Profile by MyUsername.
14 seconds
2020-04-09 08:04:09

Password has been reset on Linode lamp-us-southeast by MyUsername.
2 seconds
2020-04-09 08:03:52

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been shut down by MyUsername.
14 seconds
2020-04-09 08:03:34

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been booted with config My Debian 9 Profile by MyUsername.
32 seconds
2020-04-09 07:57:40

Linode lamp-us-southeast has been created by MyUsername.
10 seconds
2020-04-09 07:57:38

No more events to show

2 Replies

You're correct - once a Linode is deleted, it stops accruing charges. That said, the Cloud Manager will show an invoice projection for Object Storage as if it were regular price, though you won't be charged on your next invoice because the promotion will be applied before payment. If you open a Support ticket we'd be happy to confirm this! I'd also recommend checking out our billing guide - there's a lot of helpful information there.

Thank you for the prompt response.
I will open support ticket to better understand what exactly is causing those charges. (currently $0.34). Just I have expected if the "Object storage" is involved, to see one time charge of $5 or it's prorated part. I guess I was wrong expecting that.

Thank you again for pointing out the support ticket option.


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