Crappy Cron

I'm running debian testing on a Linode 80 plan. Load is light but occasionally I go about 600k into swap but that's not the issue.

When I do hit swap - and it's very light - my cron daemon decides it's had enough and refuses to work even though the process still runs. This can be seen by my ratemylinode graphs (adrianvv).

Sometimes restarting the daemon sorts it out but othertimes I'm forced to reboot which is not ideal.

I'm not sure if it is because I hit swap or if there is something else causing this.

Any assistance/suggestions would be appreciated.

1 Reply

I've moved over to fcron, uses less RAM and so far hasn't given any problems.

(running `fcrontab /etc/crontab' is required as well as removing cron and adding fcron to the default runlevel)


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