ProFTPd: Symlink? Want access to /var/www


I just set up ProFTPd on my linode, and was trying to figure out how to allow access of one user "autodmc" to /var/www. My idea was to make a soft link from /home/autodmc/www to /var/www, then lock Autodmc into his home directory (so he couldn't go mucking about the system)

Here's what I did:

chown -R autodmc /var/www
cd /home/autodmc
ln -s /var/www .
chown -R autodmc www

A ls -all giveth me:

li9-114:/home/autodmc# ls -all
total 5
drwxr-xr-x  2 autodmc autodmc 1024 May 11 12:04 .
drwxrwsr-x  5 root    staff   1024 May 10 15:09 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 autodmc autodmc  567 May 10 15:09 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--  1 autodmc autodmc 1834 May 10 15:09 .bashrc
lrwxrwxrwx  1 autodmc root       8 May 11 12:04 www -> /var/www

But whence I log into my FTP server, I see no www. Nor do I see something that looks like a link. And I can't cd into www.

How can I do this? I want to allow access to one directory, but lock that user into another directory.

On another note, I want to make a "dropbox" system, where some users can "drop" files into a directory, but not pick them up, while other users have full access to that directory. How can I do that?

1 Reply

Found the answer myself… here's how you do it if you have to do something simple: … hroot.html">

Basically: mount --bind /var/ftp/incoming /home/bob/incoming



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