Cannot create new Linodes with an outstanding balance on your account" Do not create VPS?

I found that there are bills that I created a long time ago without renewal, but still have automatic renewal. I need to clear it before I can buy VPS. I want to buy an independent VPS, about 60 dollars a month.

Please help me with this problem?

3 Replies

If you currently have an outstanding balance, you won't be able to create a new server until your balance has been cleared. You can follow these steps to make a payment. From there, you'll be able to create your new Linode.

I didn't use it for a month before, but your linode automatically renewed it for a few months, and the next few months didn't use it at all. It doesn't work. Do you want me to pay for it? Did you use some overlord contract? Please deal with it. Do you really want to buy VPS?

@lindows365 - I think this may be better handled via Support ticket. Could you please open a Support ticket with your questions about your invoice? This way, we'll be able to discuss account-specific information and find a solution for you.


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