Non-breaking hyphen?

This doesn't have anything to do with Linode, particularly, but perhaps you fine folks can help me with it.

I'm writing a Web-based application, and it makes use of the non-breaking hyphen: ‑ (decimal 8209). On Firefox on Gentoo, it works fine. On Windows, either IE or Firefox, it works fine. On Gentoo Konqueror, and Debian, both etch and sarge, both Firefox and Konqueror, the hex code is displayed instead of the glyph: 2011.

Can anyone tell me where to look to fix this, primarily for Debian Firefox? I don't know if this is a font issue, localization, character set, or what…

3 Replies

When you say the hex value is displayed, do you mean as plain text, or do you mean something like this image: ![](" /> ? If it's like the image, that means your font doesn't have that glyph in it.

Yes, like that image. Okay, now I know I need to be looking at fonts. Thanks!!

Got it solved, at least on Debian, which was my main concern. Your info led me to this useful page:, where after some experimentation I discovered I simply needed to install the ttf-junicode package.

Thanks again.


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