How do I automate creating Linodes along with DNS records of the same name?
I'm trying to automatically create DNS records based on a Linode's name. Is it possible to do this with the Linode DNS Manager, or should I create an application that creates the Linodes and their associated DNS records ?
For example - i have 3 Linodes
- linode1
- linode2
- linode3
My domain is
I want to automate the creation of the following DNS records when the Linodes are created:
1 Reply
While you can't automate this in the DNS Manager, you can do it using the Linode API, or even the Linode CLI. Below you can find a sample bash
script that does exactly what you're looking for, using the Linode APIv4:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Name the Linode/subdomain to be created
## Get the domain's ID from the Linode APIv4
DOMAIN_ID="$(curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
"" | jq -S | \
grep -A 11 "$DOMAIN_NAME" | grep '"id"' | \
awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/,//')"
## Create the Linodes
for i in "${LINODE_NAMES[@]}"; do
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST -d '{
"backups_enabled": true,
"swap_size": 512,
"image": "linode/debian9",
"root_pass": "aComplexP@ssword",
"booted": true,
"label": "'"${i}"'",
"type": "g6-standard-2",
"region": "us-east",
"group": "Linode-Group"
}' \
## Create the subdomain - this assumes your base domain already exists
## in the Linode DNS Manager
for i in "${LINODE_NAMES[@]}"; do
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST -d '{
"type": "A",
"name": "'"${i}"'",
"priority": 50,
"weight": 50,
"port": 80,
"service": null,
"protocol": null,
"ttl_sec": 604800
}' \
Note that some of the options for creating a Linode are optional. You can consult the Linode APIv4 Documentation for more information about what options are available, and which ones you do/don't need for your setup. If you have the Linode CLI installed, you can write a similar script that uses that instead. You can also check out our APIv4 Pyhton Bindings if you wish to use Python instead.