Outbound Transfer Quota

Hi everybody.
I often get this message from linode: ""
What do I need to do with it? Does it affect the web? And does it have the maximum effect of google adsense ads?
Hope everybody help please

3 Replies

It looks like the message that you are getting from us didn't come through in your post:

I often get this message from linode: ""

Going by the title of the post, I assume it has to do with the Transfer Quota. Are you receiving alerts that you're coming close to that quota?

If this is the case, you can configure your alerts so that you either don't receive them or get them at a threshold that you select yourself.

Information on our Transfer Quota can be found here:

Network Transfer Quota

What do I need to do with it? Does it affect the web? And does it have the maximum effect of google adsense ads?

I'm unsure how to answer this because your network transfer shouldn't impact anything with Google AdSense or your appearance on the web. The only thing I can think of is if AdSense results in you getting higher traffic to your Linode- which is something you don't need to worry about because we don't charge for inbound traffic.

If I've misunderstood your questions, let me know. I'm happy to provide clarification.

Thank you for supporting me.
You let me ask more:
I want to buy more traffic, how do I do it?
Does outdated traffic lead to googgle adsense claiming that the traffic is invalid?

Although we don't sell additional transfer quota directly, we have a great answer on how to increase your transfer quota here.

Could you explain what you mean about the outdated traffic for Google AdSense? I'm not understanding what "outdated traffic" means.


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