How can I locate Virtualmin on my Linode account?
How can I locate Virtualmin on my Linode account?
I have setup a website using One Click WordPress installation on this Linode server
My domain was with namecheap and I changed DNS records on namecheap to make the website working on domain purchased from namecheap
After this using a plugin from wordpress , I setup SSL through cloudflare, and updated DNS records from Cloud flare on website
But now I am not able to access the website admin area and inner pages, Logo image also not working
can anyone help me with this? and let me know how to access files and database of this website through Virtualmin
and How to locate virtal almin under Linode account
1 Reply
Hey there,
Sorry to see you're having problems accessing your site. There could be a few things happening here. First, you want to make sure port 443 opened when adding the SSL. I recommend using NMAP, and you can run the following command:
nmap -p443 --reason $IP_ADDRESS
Adding the --reason
will usually give you some more information about what's happening. If is the domain you have an issue, I want to let you know that I checked it, and saw port 443 closed.
asilverman$ nmap -p 443 --reason
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2020-03-10 15:38 EDT
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up, received syn-ack (0.25s latency).
rDNS record for
443/tcp closed https conn-refused
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.68 seconds
You should be able to open it with the following iptables command:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
If this is not the domain, and you opened up port 443. Then it may be an issue with the domain in the Wordpress settings. Since you can't access wp-admin, I added a link to a Wordpress guide I found that will help. It explains how to change the domain from within the Linode.
Lastly, I want to let you know that Virtualmin isn't installed by default when using the Wordpress Once-click App. You will need to install it, and then you should be able to access it. The link below explains how.